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On Nativity Eve, Patriarchal Exarch of South-East Asia performed diaconal ordination at Archpastor metochion of St. Vladimir Church in Bekasi, Indonesia

On the morning of January 6, during the vespers of the Nativity of Christ (Nativity Eve), the Patriarchal Exarch of South-East Asia, Metropolitan Sergiy of Singapore and South-East Asia, headed the service of the Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great at the Archpastor metochion of St. Vladimir’s Church in Bekasi, Indonesia. At the Divine Liturgy, Metropolitan Sergiy ordained Ammon S. to the rank of deacon.

His Eminence was assisted by the clerics of the Archpastor metochion of St. Vladimir’s Church in Bekasi, Hieromonk Cyril (Situmeang) and Hieromonk Methodiy (Sugiarto); Hierodeacon Juvenaly (Marushchak), Senior Deacon of the Patriarchal Exarchate of South-East Asia, Deacon Dorothey Gunavan, Cleric of the Archpastor metochion of St. Vladimir’s Church and Deacon Damian Darmavan, Cleric of the church of the apostle Thomas in Jakarta.

At the end of the divine service, Metropolitan Sergiy congratulated the parishioners on Christmas Eve and addressed the faithful with an archpastoral word. Then, a traditional meal was held, during which Bishop Sergiy talked with the parishioners of the metochion.

By decree of Metropolitan Sergiy of Singapore and South-East Asia, Deacon Ammon S. was appointed a full-time deacon of the Archpastor metochion of St. Vladimir’s Church in Bekasi, Republic of Indonesia.

Сингапурская епархияDiocese of Singapore
КатегорииCategories: Exarch, News, Singapore diocese
ДатаDate: 06 January 2023