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On Sunday of Holy Forefathers, Bishop Pitirim of Jakarta celebrated Liturgy at the Church of Apostle Thomas in Jakarta

On December 25, the 28th Sunday after Pentecost, of the Holy Forefathers and the feast day of St. Spyridon of Trimythous, Bishop Pitirim of Jakarta, vicar of the Diocese of Singapore, celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Church of the Apostle Thomas in Jakarta.

His Eminence was assisted by Priest Boris Setiavan, rector of the church.

On this day, the parish congratulated on their Nameday: David Hadiningrat, the ktetor of the church of the Apostle Thomas, and the nun Esther (Yermashova), who has the obedience of the choir director at the Archpastor’s Metochion of St. Vladimir’s Church in Bekasi. Bishop Pitirim heartily thanked them for many years of work for the benefit of the Church of Christ. After that, the whole parish sang many years to the Nameday people.

At the end of the service, the clergy and parishioners continued to communicate over a traditional trapeza in the courtyard of the church, where they congratulated Nikita Setiavan, the wife of the rector of the temple, on her birthday.

Сингапурская епархияDiocese of Singapore
КатегорииCategories: News, Singapore diocese
ДатаDate: 25 December 2022