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Patronal feast was celebrated at Cathedral of St. Nicholay the Wonderworker in Bangkok

On December 19, in the St. Nicholas Cathedral of the Thai Diocese of the Patriarchal Exarchate of South-East Asia, celebrations were held on the occasion of the day of commemorating St. Nicholay, Archbishop of Mir of Lycia, the Wonderworker.

The Divine Liturgy on the day of the patronal feast of the cathedral was officiated by Archimandrite Oleg (Cherepanin), Secretary of the Diocese of Thailand, Patriarchal Exarchate of South-East Asia, co-served by the clergy of the diocese.

At the end of the Divine Liturgy, a procession of the cross took place, followed by glorification of St. Nicholay. In his speech, Archimandrite Oleg congratulated the assembled clergy and all those present on the feast and spoke about the active assistance of Nicholay the Wonderworker in the life of St. Nicholay’s Cathedral and the entire Thai diocese as a whole.

It is gratifying that, despite the weekday, not only the parishioners of the cathedral, but also numerous pilgrims from almost all parishes of the diocese came to honour the memory of the Saint of God.

At the end of the service, everyone was offered a festive trapeza in the diocesan house.

Таиландская епархияThailand diocese
КатегорииCategories: News, Thailand diocese
ДатаDate: 19 December 2022